NVC Named as a Finalist for Prestigious 2025 Aspen Prize

June 11, 2024

ASPEN 2025 Finalist


WASHINGTON D.C., June 11, 2024年6月11日,阿斯彭研究所宣布西北远景学院进入2025年阿斯彭社区学院卓越奖的决赛. 100万美元的奖金是美国对社区大学出色表现的标志性认可. The institutions selected for this honor stand out among more than 1,全国有1000所社区大学,学生的成功水平很高,而且还在不断提高, as well as equitable outcomes for students from lower-income backgrounds.

“Reaching the top 10 community colleges in the nation is an incredible achievement, and it’s just the beginning. 西北远景学院致力于不断改进和证明最好的教育可能给我们的学生和他们的家庭,” said Northwest Vista College President Dr. Amy Bosley.

Awarded every two years, 阿斯彭奖旨在表彰在教学和学习这六个关键领域表现出色的大学, certificate and degree completion, transfer and bachelor’s attainment, workforce success, broad access to the college and its offerings, 为有色人种学生和低收入家庭学生争取公平的结果. The winner will be announced in the spring of 2025. NVC is one of only two community colleges in Texas to make the short list. The other Texas institution is San Jacinto College in the Houston area.

The Alamo Colleges District has a legacy of being recognized by the Aspen Institute. For the fourth consecutive time, 西北维斯塔学院收到了在全国范围内角逐这一著名奖项的邀请. San Antonio College earned the coveted Aspen Prize in 2021, 而帕洛阿尔托学院则获得了2019年阿斯彭社区学院卓越奖的新星奖.

Josh Wyner, executive director of the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program, noted the Aspen Prize finalists not only deserve national recognition, but they also need to be studied and their successes replicated.

“工薪阶层的美国人正在经历一个似乎对他们不利的经济, 而雇主们却难以在教学等领域找到准备充分的员工, nursing, software development, welding, and advanced manufacturing,” Wyner said. “10名阿斯彭奖决赛入围者展示了服务全国城乡社区的社区学院如何为更多的毕业生在他们的社区中实现生活和事业做好准备. They show that excellence can be reached in any and every context.”

阿斯彭奖的评选过程始于2023年夏天,当时阿斯彭分析了1月1日的数据,000 community colleges in key areas such as retention, completion, and transfer. In October, Aspen invited 150 community colleges to apply based on data showing high, improving, and equitable levels of student success. 提交的118份申请被交给了一个由18名高等教育专家组成的遴选委员会,他们根据广泛的数据和对问题的叙述性回答对每份申请进行评估. Following interviews with leadership teams from applicants receiving top scores, 20 semifinalists were selected and announced in May. The committee continued its review and narrowed the field to the 10 finalists.

Next steps in the process include:

  • Fall 2024: Multi-day in-person site visits to each of the 10 finalists, 在此期间,阿斯彭研究所及其合作伙伴将收集更多的信息和数据, 包括广泛的就业和收入数据的毕业生从决赛院校.

  • Winter 2025: A distinguished, 独立的阿斯彭奖评审团将审查数据和定性总结,综合14个月分析的每个部分, then meet for a full day to select the winner and others for additional recognition.

  • 2025年4月17日:在华盛顿特区宣布阿斯彭奖得主并庆祝10名决赛选手.

今年的决赛和往届获奖者的完整名单可以在阿斯彭奖的网页上找到: http://highered.aspeninstitute.org/aspen-prize/.

The Aspen Prize 由Ascendium、乔伊斯基金会、摩根大通和克雷斯基基金会慷慨资助.


The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program 支持学院和大学追求更高的卓越标准, 提供证书,开启改变人生的职业生涯,加强我们的经济, society, and democracy. We know it takes visionary college leaders to lead scaled, sustainable reforms, and we make it our mission to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and research-backed tools to inspire change, shift practice, 提高大学培养优秀和公平学生的能力. For more information, visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn and X.

The Aspen Institute 是一个全球性的非营利组织,其目的是激发人类的潜力,建立理解,为一个更美好的世界创造新的可能性. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve society’s greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, DC and has a campus in Aspen, Colorado, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit www.aspeninstitute.org.


Renata Serafin, rserafin@shopping-wonder.com
Director, Northwest Vista College Marketing and Strategic Communications

Kristin O’Keefe, kristin.okeefe@aspeninstitute.org
Director of Communications


About Northwest Vista College:  

Northwest Vista College (NVC), part of the Alamo Colleges District, is designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution. 该学院成立于1995年,当时只有12名学生,现已发展成为圣安东尼奥和该地区最大的高等教育机构之一,目前入学人数超过19人,000 students. Located in Westover Hills, 雷士不断扩大与商业和高等教育合作伙伴的协议,为学生和社区提供了丰富的机会.